public struct BlinkData
Public Structure BlinkData
AvgBlinkDuration | Mean blink duration |
avgIBI | Mean Inter Blink Interval |
BlinkArray | Contains the baseline corrected blink array |
completeBlinks | Number of complete blinks |
incompleteBlinks | Number of incomplete blinks |
LCTime | Lid contact time as a percentage of total duration of study |
maxIBI | Maximum value of Inter Blink Interval |
minIBI | Minimum value of Inter Blink Interval |
SDBlinkCompleteness | CoV of blink peak values - used as a quality factor for the sudy |
SDBlinkDuration | STDEV of blink durations |
SDIBI | STDEV of Inter Blink Interval |
ValidData | Boolean flag whether the blink analysis data fulfills validity criteria |