Full API information for OSDxImaging DLL

ImagingFxBlinkData Structure

BlinkData structure that holds all blink related data


Namespace: OSDx
Assembly: OSDxImaging (in OSDxImaging.dll) Version: (
public struct BlinkData
Object    ValueType    ImagingFxBlinkData


AvgBlinkDuration Mean blink duration
avgIBI Mean Inter Blink Interval
BlinkArray Contains the baseline corrected blink array
completeBlinks Number of complete blinks
incompleteBlinks Number of incomplete blinks
LCTime Lid contact time as a percentage of total duration of study
maxIBI Maximum value of Inter Blink Interval
minIBI Minimum value of Inter Blink Interval
SDBlinkCompleteness CoV of blink peak values - used as a quality factor for the sudy
SDBlinkDuration STDEV of blink durations
SDIBI STDEV of Inter Blink Interval
ValidData Boolean flag whether the blink analysis data fulfills validity criteria

See Also