The opening screen – entering & retrieving patient data
- Configuring OSDx for first time use – click the green Options button to open the administration page. Details of this process is given in section eleven.
- The opening screen allows you to register a new patient or start an examination for an already registered patient. For existing patients you can open up an old exam for redoing the exam provided that the date of the exam you are trying to re-open is within 24 hours of the initial exam. For older exams you can only generate reports – you cannot redo the exams (Figure 1)
- See section 4.1 for understanding exams and tests
- If you do not see any doctor name in the dropdown – you have not added a doctor name to your institution. You need to access the Options Window by clicking on the Options button (2.1 above). You will need Admin Password for this. The default admin password is “admin” (without the quotes) – you should change it during your first use. If you forget your admin password you will not be able to access the Options form nor will you be able to edit patient details. So, note it down somewhere securely otherwise you will need to uninstall and reinstall OSDx App with consequent loss of data.
- Name, date of birth and ID number are mandatory fields.
- In the stored records Name, date of birth ID number, diagnosis and date of examination are searchable entities.
- The ID number should be unique and should typically be your institution’s Medical Record Number.
- To enter multiple diagnoses separate them with commas - do not use a separate line for each diagnosis.
- Date and time of examination will be autosaved by the system using this computer's clock when you save the record to the database.
- Existing patients can be accessed through the Returning Patients tab. There are three data points on which you can perform a search (any one point at a time) – of these Name and Diagnosis need not be exact or complete (i.e. the search term entered by you may occur anywhere in the searched field) but the ID number has to be exact and complete
- You can