1.    Configuring OSDx®: the configuration screen can be accessed from the Patient Window (the first window that opens after the splash screen when you start the OSDx® software)

  1.          You need to provide Admin Password to access the Configuration window (default is admin)

  1.          To change the password, use the change password tab

  1.          On providing the correct password you will get the Configuration Window

  1.          There are five tabs on the Configuration window
    1.     Device settings tab: Select your default camera in the Select imaging device drop down. OSDx® device must be plugged in before entering this window. If you do not find any imaging device in the drop down click the Refresh button adjacent to the drop down. The OSDx® device will show as HD USB Device. Save your selection using the Save settings button.
      1.                        Use the ellipsis button to open the Windows File Explorer dialog to set your default image folder – this is where your saved images are stored. Images can be saved directly to the disk from the live video feed and Meibography screen.
      2.                        Click on the Backup database button to backup the local database to a location of your choice on the local PC or to a network shared folder.
      3.                        Click on the Restore database button to restore from a backup. You will lose any data saved to the local database after the last backup.

  1.     Report styling tab: As explained in the Reports section of this manual OSDx® reports can be styled using CSS style sheets. These CSS classes can be edited in this tab. Save after editing or click the Reset button to reload the last saved version. To load factory default CSS classes, click the Factory default button.
  2.     You can change the order in which tests appear in your report by changing the order in the box on the right. The default setting is as shown above

  1.     Institute details tab: The Institute name, address and contact details can be configured here. You can also set the institute logo or remove it by clicking the Purge button. Save your changes after you are done. These details will appear at the top of your reports.
  2.     For a detailed discussion on the Fixed Content (Header sections) of the report see the section on reports.

  1.     Doctors list tab: The list of doctors whose names will appear in reports can be entered and edited here. At least one doctor has to added for you to be able to start a test

  1.     Add on tests tab: This tab allows you to configure additional tests (tests not done using OSDx®) that you may wish to record in the patient’s reports. These test results can be added to a patient’s report using the Add clinical notes button in the main toolbar on the Exam Window. The five (5) additional tests that you may add are:
    1.                        Symptoms grading questionnaire. You can set the name of the questionnaire you will be using and its maximum and minimum scores
    2.                        Schirmer’s test (you can use any one type of Shirmer’s test)
    3.                        Tear break up time using a technique of your preference
    4.                        Meibum grading (as shown in the meibum grading chart)
    5.                        Ocular surface dye staining score (van Bijsterveld grading)
    6.                        Use the check boxes to turn on or off any test form to
  2.    Clinical notes section can be accessed from the main exam window from the main toolbar

  1.     This is how the Clinical Notes window appears

  1.                          Only those tests that you have enabled from the settings window will be enabled in this window for entering data. Set the sliders to the value of the test that you want to enter for each eye and each test. If you do not want to enter a value for any test of any eye drag the slider to the extreme left (“NA” will appear to the right of the slider).

This is not the minimum value that you can enter for a test (which is zero)

The name of the questionnaire to be used can be set from the settings window.

  1.                          The clinical notes text box allows you to write free text as your observations. These will appear in the patient’s report together with added tests. There is no way of selectively turning on or off parts of the clinical notes section. The entire section may be turned off from the report screen (see the Report Section). However, if you have entered “NA” for any of the tests it will not appear in the Clinical notes section of the detailed report.
  2.                          Save your clinical notes after you have completed it to return to the Exam Window
  3.                          This is how the clinical notes section appears in the detailed report view