1.    Generating and formatting reports: Reports and their configurability are the strength of OSDx®. There are primarily two types of reports – compact and detailed.
    1.          Compact reports have the following sections –
      1.     Report header – records the patient name, gender, date of examination, patient ID, Doctor’s name and Exam ID
      2.     Followed by the results (numerical values only, no images) of any or all of the four tests i.e. Lipimetry, Quantitative Meibography, Blink Analysis and Meniscometry
      3.     You can choose any of the four possible tests in one or both eyes form the selection pane in the Reports page. Only those tests that have been saved are available for selection.



  1.     Also note that Introduction page, Conclusion page and Clinical notes are not part of the compact format of the report
  2.     The order (sequence) in which these tests appear in the report can be configured from the Configuration Window (see section 11.4.3)
  3.     If you select Detailed report, images are shown in addition to the numerical data. Also, Introduction page, Conclusion page and Clinical notes are also displayed
  4.     OSDx® reports comply with CSS 3.0 standards as implemented by Microsoft Edge
  5.     The CSS file can be found in the root of your application directory. You can modify this file to change the look and feel of the report. Should things go wrong you can revert to the factory default CSS from the Configuration Window (see section 11.4.2)
  6.     The following images show the CSS classes mapped to various elements of the report
  7.                          The report header section

  1.                          The test sections

  1.                          The fixed content sections are those that appear after the results section of every test in the final report. Usually these are to help the patient interpret or understand the meaning of the values in the result.
  2.                          Each section has a Title or Header
  3.                          The entire Fixed Content section is optional and you may remove the content from the Fixed Content editor

  1.                          The fixed content editor can be accessed from the Settings Window by the Edit report headers button

  1.                          Each section has a Title or Header - in the final report these are in bold. These are followed by a Content section which contains text explaining the result.
  2.                          The name of the section cannot be edited - only the Header and the Content can
  3.                          Content to appear for Introduction, each test and Conclusion sections can be configured here – as mentioned only the header, content and normal values section’s content can be configured. The names of the sections remain uneditable
  1.          The Report tool bar

  1.     The Cloud sync button updates the cloud service provided by OSDx® with the data of the current report. Please note that this data does not include patient name or ID. It contains the Institute name, Doctor name, Patient’s DoB and exam ID besides the test data. This is intentionally configured to de-identify patient data in the cloud. Cloud sync is turned off by default and to enable it you have to contact your vendor – a legal release document is required to be signed for this service.
  2.     The XML export button allows you to create an XML file with patient and test data that can be used to import/export from/to other OSDx® devices and for integration with EMR/HER solutions
  3.     Use the print button to print a report. Reports can also be generated by changing the selection between Compact and Detailed report. Do not forget to select the elements (tests) in your exam’s report.
  4.     Use the Page setup button to configure pages. Recommended settings are Portrait orientation of A4 or Letter page size. Important: enable the “Print Background Colors and Images” checkbox otherwise the Red-Yellow-Green sliders will not be printed.

  1.     Print preview button allows you to preview the report before printing it.

Page breaks are automatically inserted by OSDx® software depending on whether a Compact or Detailed format of the report is chosen.