1.        Running the tests
    1. The device: OSDx® is a single compact device which connects with a Windows PC. There are multiple formats of the device and it may fit onto a slit lamp or maybe a standalone device. The device front has a transparent acrylic window. This window is susceptible to damage if rough handled so be careful while using and storing the device.
    2. Tests and Exams: a single episode of examination of a patient from initiation to saving and report generation is one Exam. Each exam has a unique ID which is created when you start it from the opening screen. Each Exam can have one or more tests in it. These tests can be selected from the buttons on the Exam Window.


  1. The main operational areas of the Exam Window are depicted above and described below
    1.         Test selector buttons – navigate between different tests
    2.         Video window – where live video feed can be seen
    3.         Tests & results window – where details of ongoing test and its results appear
    4.         Video zooming control (incoming video can be zoomed between 1 and 2X)
    5.         The Frame grab button – to save any frame from the live video feed
    6.         The eye selector and main toolbar – which comprise of (left to right)
      1.   Eye selector – right eye (the selected eye gets highlighted in yellow with red border)
      2.   Start camera button – to start a test selected using the test selector buttons
      3.   Stop camera button – to stop/abort a test. Normally when a test is completed the camera is automatically stopped.
      4.   Help button – to open help pages
      5.   Save test button – to save the current test
      6.   Delete data (purge) button – to purge data, either current test or all tests in current exam from database (works only if the tests have been saved) or to clear unsaved data on screen
      7.   Other tests/clinical notes button – see section & 11.4.7
      8.   Generate report button – to generate a report for the current exam
      9.   Eye selector – left eye
  2. Before starting an exam always make sure that the correct patient name is displayed on the window’s title bar.
    1.         Select a test from the test selection buttons. If you are planning to do all tests it is suggested that you follow the sequence of buttons from left to right. Meniscometry and Blink Analysis are non-contact tests using infrared light and do not cause tearing or other changes on the ocular surface and should be done first. Tear Film Lipimetry uses bright white light and should be done after Meniscometry as the former can stimulate tearing. Meibography should be done last as it involves contact with the eye of the patient and lid eversion which may affect all three remaining tests if done after Meibography.
    2.         The magnification control buttons can be used to vary the magnification of the camera. You should remember that this is an electronic magnification control (not an optical one) – so it comes at the expense of resolution. The resolution of the camera is automatically set by the software depending on the test being done. You cannot control it manually. For various tests default magnification values are set and it is best not to change them. Only for blink analysis you should choose a magnification that helps fill the entire eye in the video frame.

The default values of Zoom for various test modes are – Meniscometry: 1.8, Blink: 1.2, Lipimetry: 1.6, Meibography 1.0

  1.         The eye selection buttons let you choose the eye being examined. You cannot move from one eye to another without saving test results if a test has been completed. Either you have to save the test or delete its values before changing the eye.
  2.         The main toolbar is described below


  1.         All the buttons are self-explanatory. The Clinical Notes and the Purge Data buttons deserve special mention.
    1.   Clinical notes opens a window where you can enter relevant notes and feed data of ancillary tests done outside OSDx. Please see the options window section later (section 11.4.7)
    2.   The purge data button provides three options


  1.         Delete current test – deletes the saved data from the local database
  2.         Delete all tests in this exam – deletes all saved data for all tests in the exam from the local database
  3.         Clear unsaved data in this test – clears from view the data displayed on the form without deleting anything from the local database
  4.         Note that until you save a test after deletion this action (the deletion) does not affect the cloud data (if you have cloud sync turned on). CLOUD SYNC IS NOT AVAILABLE AS A NORMAL FEATURE – YOU HAVE TO REQUEST YOUR VENDOR FOR IT AND SIGN A RELEASE DOCUMENT
  1. To start any test select the relevant button on the topmost row. The selected button will change its colour to indicate that it is selected. Note that the mouse relocates to the next relevant widget – the start camera button. Clicking it will immediately display the acquired video in the live window. You may be warned if the last test data has not been saved – you have to either save it or purge the data to proceed.
  2. The test specific display area to the right of the Live View Window switches components automatically depending on the test selected. See specific tests below on how to proceed.