Full API information for OSDxImaging DLL

ImagingFxGetMeniscusRoC Method

Calculates the Meniscus RoC from the 2D array output of LineScanVertical


Namespace: OSDx
Assembly: OSDxImaging (in OSDxImaging.dll) Version: (
public ImagingFxMeniscus GetMeniscusRoC(
	int[] meniscusHistogram,
	double dropLevel,
	double targetSize,
	double objectDistance,
	double pixelSize = 7.13


meniscusHistogram  Int32
Array of integers to process
dropLevel  Double
Percentage drop from the peak to regard as baseline
targetSize  Double
Size of the physical target in mm
objectDistance  Double
Distance of the physical target from the objective lens
pixelSize  Double  (Optional)
Size of pixel in microns - width of sensor image area divided by the number of pixels for the given resolution

Return Value

The Meniscus data structure

See Also