Full API information for OSDxImaging DLL

ImagingFx Class

All image processing functions for meniscometry, lipimetry, blink analysis and meibomian gland analysis of OSDx


Namespace: OSDx
Assembly: OSDxImaging (in OSDxImaging.dll) Version: (
public class ImagingFx
Object    ImagingFx


ImagingFxInitializes a new instance of the ImagingFx class


CalculateNCC Calculates the normalised correlation coefficient for the array of pixels in the template and test images
CountWhite Categorises pixels in an image into three - white, black and fill colour (red)
FilterThroughWhites Sets all pixels that are not white (255 in a 8BPP image) to black (0). That is binarisation of image with threshold of 255
GetMeniscusRoC Calculates the Meniscus RoC from the 2D array output of LineScanVertical
LineScanVertical Calculates the average of the mean pixel intensities (mean of unweighted RGB values) of each pixel along the horizontal starting with the point P and assigns such values for each horizontal line in the rectangle specified by the starting point P and height H
LipimetryColourEncoder Processes the lipimetry Purkinje 1 image to generate lipimetry data and colour coded lipimetry image
ProcessBinkArray Processes the 2D blink array to calculate the blink statistics

See Also