Full API information for OSDxImaging DLL

ImagingFxLineScanVertical Method

Calculates the average of the mean pixel intensities (mean of unweighted RGB values) of each pixel along the horizontal starting with the point P and assigns such values for each horizontal line in the rectangle specified by the starting point P and height H


Namespace: OSDx
Assembly: OSDxImaging (in OSDxImaging.dll) Version: (
public int[] LineScanVertical(
	Bitmap BMP,
	Point P,
	int Width,
	int Height,
	bool baselineCorrected = false


BMP  Bitmap
Bitmap to scan
P  Point
Top left corner of the area being scanned
Width  Int32
The width of the area to scan
Height  Int32
Height of the area to scan
baselineCorrected  Boolean  (Optional)
Whether to correct for wavy baseline

Return Value

An array of integers; each element containing the mean pixel intensity of each line in the area

See Also